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Selectmen's Minutes - October 6, 1992
October 6, 1992         Present:  James Haggerty
                                                        Judith Murdoch
                                                        Robert Crowley
                                                        Robert Andrews
                                                        Joseph Frisoli

Chairman read letter from Police Chief regarding a TIPS program being offered on October 21, 1992 at the Hanson A. A. for all liquor establishments in the Town.  He stated as licensing authority he would like to ask that a letter be sent to each establishment supporting the Chief's program and urging that they have employees attend.  Motion by Mrs. Murdoch, 2nd Frisoli to support the Chairman's statement.  5-0 vote.

He also read letter from the Abington Selectmen's Office requesting that two representatives from the Town of Hanson attend a meeting on 10/28/92 concerning consolidation and regionalization of Fire Services.  

Board met with the Recreation Commission and expressed its concerns over the time frame with which they are asked to take action in voting alcoholic beverage one day licenses.  The Secretary to the Recreation Commission explained that as part of the application process it is stated it is the responsibility of potential rentee to notify the Board of Selectmen and ask permission.  She noted that most applications are filed well ahead of the dates requested for use of the camp and the failure of individuals to come forward to the Board is generally their own.  She stated that this past year she believed there were only two requests for licenses with regard to the sale of alcohol and both had been granted by the Board.  The Chairman commented that the Board tries to consider all the applications that come before it and the majority of those applicants are well known to the Board such as the Kiwanis Steak Fry, etc., however, when groups come into the Camp from outside the Town, especially in large numbers, the Board would like to have the opportunity to meet with them as part of the approval process.  It was agreed by all parties that the application for rental at Camp Kiwanee would be amended to suggest that any person seeking liquor licensing would have to appear before the Board of Selectmen approximately three weeks prior to the event taking place.  This way the Board felt that there would be some contact with the Selectmen's Office very quickly after applicants reserve the Camp.

The Building Inspector presented an overview of his recommended new building permit fees.  The Board discussed the fees and several options were addressed.  There were motions put on the floor and removed.  After continued discussion, there was a motion by Mr. Crowley that the Building permit fee would be half a percent of the Building cost. (Removed) Discussion continued and Mr. Crowley moved Building permit fee to be one half percent of the building cost or 500 dollars which ever is higher.  Mrs. Murdoch second.  Voted 5-0 in favor.  Mrs. Murdoch motioned to accept changes as recommended by the Building Inspector regarding gas, plumbing and wiring fees.  2nd Crowley.  5-0 vote.

Mr. Gronlund met with the Board and discussed the Plymouth County Water Advisory Board.  Motion by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli to appoint Mr. Gronlund as representative to the Plymouth County Water Advisory Board.  5-0 vote.

Board commenced discussion on Monponsett Street in regard to Rte. 58 and a number of concerns that had been raised surrounding the construction and the dust.  Mr. Andrews stated that his biggest concern was the dust raised as a result of the pulverization.  He felt that the dust contained oil and asphalt and as such should be considered hazardous.  He emphasized over this past weekend there were tremendous dust clouds raised as traffic travelled on Rte. 58 and he received many complaints from residents in the area.  Mr. Crowley stated he received three phone calls concerning the dust situation and he had a real concern for the residents in the area.  He stated during one conversation the woman on the other end of the telephone could hardly speak since she had asthma and was choked up with dust.  The Exec. Sec. explained to the Board that he had met with the State Site Engineer, Paul Keenan, to request someone attend this evenings meeting.  He indicated to the Board that Mr. Keenan was attempting to make great efforts concerning the dust issues and in fact Monday and Tuesday had crews out specifically dealing with it.  Mr. Andrews concurred that over the course of the day, Monday and Tuesday, dust control was better, but still remained a problem.  Mr. Nugent also explained the grinding and grading procedures and mentioned that Mr. Keenan hoped they would start paving by the end of this week.  Once the base coat is down, that should eliminate the dust problem.  Mr. Nugent also stated that he urged State Engineers to suggest that the contractor shorten the length of roadway which they are grinding and to try and coordinate better the grading and the paving so as not to create the problems that we are seeing in the Monponsett area.  Mr. Dryton, a resident on the Street, expressed some concerns with the way the contractor has torn up the front area along his property, making it difficult to get into his driveway.  His mailbox has been knocked over and as a result of the slope, there is a lot of material washing off and being pushed into his property and his garden area.  He as well mentioned the dust.  The Board also recognized two representatives of Shaws Markets, Mr. Cadres, a resident of the Town, and Mr. Jim Walsh.  Mr. Cadres stated that they have received numerous complaints from their customers with regard to getting to the store.  Concerned with a drop off in customers due to construction and in anticipation of holiday season coming, they would like to be assured that there would be adequate access to the plaza and to all the stores.  Expressed some concerns that as one of the largest employers in the Town, that if hours are altered, less service to people in Town, and employees in Town will be cut in hours.  

Mr. Morway, Water Commissioner, expressed his concerns on behalf of the Water Dept.  He felt the work has been negligent and careless and the numerous times they have broken water mains has created a tremendous work load for his department.  Chief Berry indicated that he has concern regarding emergency vehicles and emergency service to that area of Town right now, and does not consider this to be a safe procedure.  Mr. Andrews expressed some concern that perhaps at least the large truck traffic could be detoured in an effort to cut down some of the dust.  Chairman Haggerty echoed the concerns of all parties and asked the Exec. Sec. to arrange as quickly as possible a meeting with the State and the Contractor for Friday at one p.m.

Mr. Morway requested use of Town Counsel for the Water Dept. concerning the decision recently made by the Board of Appeals to allow the Water Hookup to South Shore Housing Development Corp. on Pleasant Street.  He reiterated to the Board his opinions on the decision to which several Board members commented.  Selectman Murdoch finally raised the issue that the Board of Appeals and the Town Planner should perhaps be here to explain their position as well as Town Counsel if necessary.  She  feels that before we get involved with one Town Board sueing another, we the Selectmen need to be aware of the facts. The Chairman agreed and said that the Board will take up this issue next week.

Bob Andrews asked if the Board would notify the Board of Health and ask if they would issue a press release for people that have breathing conditions.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Murdoch, 5-0 vote.

Chairman asked to enter exec. session under #4 and #3.  Motion  by Frisoli, 2nd Crowley.  Roll Call vote.  4-0-1 Andrews abstaining.

Motion to adjourn by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli, 5-0 vote.  9:35 p.m.

Judy Murdoch, Clerk